The Langley eNews: a weekly newsletter
What's in eNews?
Upcoming events & opportunities
Highlights of student activities
& accomplishments
Class notes
PTSA president's message
LHS, FCPS & PTSA news important to the Saxon community
Keep in touch. Get involved. Find out more!
Sign up for the Langley eNews!
The Langley eNews is the LHS PTSA's weekly newsletter emailed on Thursday afternoons. Sign up (at no cost) to get all the latest info about Langley High School. This is the best source to find out what is happening!
To ensure it reaches your mailbox, please sign up using a non-FCPS email address!
Share Your News!
Anyone (students, parents, teachers, community members) can send text (about 150 words) and photos, flyers, attachments, etc., by Tuesday noon for publication most Thursdays. Email submissions to
eNews volunteers edit submissions for style and length. All news should pertain to LHS, FCPS or PTSA. No commercial advertisements. Detailed guidelines are posted here.